Stage de céramique
Stage de céramique: du 29 Juillet au 3 Août
initiation à la pratique de l’argile, 3 dates possible.
objectif: Réaliser sa propre tasse à café ou thé ...
finished sweaters + winter skies
Midwinter, the perfect time to get the knitting needles out. When the days
are short and they're mostly spent in the office in town, I find that
knitting i...
S8 - nad i pod
27.11.2018: wa nagrania terenowe z wyprawy drogą techniczną wzdłuż drogi
ekspresowej S8 pomiędzy wsiami Prusak oraz Gumnisko (gm. Sokolniki, pow.
Blogging since 1998
Don't know if anyone is hanging around here anymore? If you do, this blog
isn't being updated anymore as I have moved to - where I
[image: Sept 2018 desktop calendar]
Time to change your desktop calendar.
Better late than never!
And it's my birthday tomorrow so I couldn't not post my mo...
Snowy Details
As you can see from the pictures above, whether it is snowing or not, the
daily bicycle commuter does not change clothes to particular winter gear
szaroburo z odrobiną słońca, listopad, za oknem i w sercu
nie jest to mój ulubiony miesiąc muszę przyznać
uszyłam szarobure torebki, takie bardziej jesienn...
hook on wings
Happy Thursday folks. I guess today is my Friday, no school tomorrow Oscar
just informed me this morning. Not sure when I became clueless out of the
loop m...
* feliz natal *
[image: natal 2014][image: natal 2014][image: natal 2014][image: natal 2014]
Um Feliz Natal a todos os que passarem por aqui.
E com Almada talvez celebrar ...
kalendarz adwentowy dla bratanka
Mój bratanek ma na imię Łukasz. Zdecydowanie za rzadko się widzimy, dzieli
nas odległość liczona w kilometrach wielu. Wymyśliłam dla Łukasza
closing it up and a little gift for you
Hello out there. A big thanks to all of you who came down to FELIZ this
past weekend. It was great seeing you and we appreciated the support! Well,
after s...
Train thank yous
Just a quick post with the follow up thank you notes for Leo's 2nd birthday
presents. I wanted to do something that he could do the bulk of the
imagery. So...
I want a sister czyli czas na brata
Na wiosnę urodzi się brat Klary.
Oswajamy sie pomału z tematyką posiadania rodzeństwa poprzez różne
How To Be a Baby by Me, the Big Sister napi...
Dobutsu Baby Leggings from Japan
I'm sorry I haven't been posting on here, life has gotten quite hectic with
a new baby! I can't believe how exhausted I am, I've got nothing left at
the en...
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